Current as of 4 March 2024

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us at Coach Welly. We respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect from you across our website.

This privacy policy describes the practices and processes that Coach Welly (hereinafter Coach Welly, we, us) for the use and disclosure of the personal data that Coach Welly collects from its clients and from all those visitors (hereinafter “you” “your”) who have access to this web page and the services that Coach Welly provided with the observance of the relevant laws which will be mentioned later.
This privacy policy forms part of the terms and conditions established for your acknowledgment and acceptance. 

The purpose of the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data is the provision and improvement of the services as well as the options you have referent to our data practices.

Users in different regions of the world might be subject to different data protection standards, if you are accessing our services from a different country with specific laws governing collection, use and disclosure of data, please be informed that all your personal data is stored in Google Cloud Platform in Australia, the data may be transmitted to our service providers supporting our business operators and to our business associates, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.
Our commitment is to safeguard your personal data by treating it in accordance with this privacy policy. Coach Welly has appropriate measures for the security and protection of your personal information in its collection, storage and transmission of it. We take care of your data with the same treatment as if it were ours.

PERSONAL INFORMATION. It is all the data that identifies an individual.

SERVICES. Are all the utilities and/or functions of the products that Coach Welly makes available to you.

SITE / WEB PAGE. It is the web domain or any Coach Welly mobile application, owned by Coach Welly, that displays all the information relevant to the Coach Welly service.

COOKIES. These are small blocks of data created by a web server while a user is browsing a website and placed on the user's computer or other device by the user's web browser.

BUSINESS a person or entity that performs certain functions or activities that involve the use or disclosure of personal information on behalf of, or provides services to Coach Welly.
THIRD PARTIES. Service providers, business associates, and some third-party providers to whom you may give us the authorization to share the use of your personal information for the purposes that suit you

We may request personal information (e-mail, name, phone number, company, among other possibles) from you who are a visitor to our site in the cases of forms such as "contact us", in participation and sending of surveys, events, etc. This information also allows Us to contact you or identify you.
If you use our site to track your fitness activity or physical characteristics, we will collect this personal data and store it so that you can review it. Your fitness activity data may include data you enter about your activity or data collected by your connected device/s during your activity such as location data and movement data. We may use this activity data to calculate further information about your activity, such as distance run, or calories burned, so that the calculated information can be provided to you as part of the functionality of the site.

In many cases, to use features within our site you may need to provide us with additional data or additional consent to use data in a certain way. Similarly, to share content with your friends or on social media, you may be required to provide your contact list or your social media account credentials to sign in.
When you use our Site, the following information is registered automatically.

This information that is collected is about the use that you give to Our site, the contents that you observe, the actions, the interactions that you carry out, the functions that you use; as well as the time, and the duration of the same.

This data may include information such as your Device's Internet Protocol address (e.g. IP address), browser type, browser version, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data.

If you access from your mobile device, we may collect information such as the type of mobile device you use, Your mobile device's unique ID, the IP address of your mobile device, your mobile operating system, the type of mobile Internet browser You use, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data and we may also collect information that Your browser sends whenever You visit our Service or when You access the Service by or through a mobile device.
 We use technologies and cookies that work with the browser of your computer or mobile devices as part of the provision of our Services. The cookies are small data file that is saved on your computer when you visit our page. This file stores certain information about you, for example, your behaviour browsing the Internet or your credentials. We use personal cookies and third parties cookies, session cookies (cookies that expire after a certain amount of time, or upon logging out) and persistent cookies (the cookies that remain on your computer or terminal device for a longer period).

The information that the cookies provide us, regardless of whether they are ours or third party´s, allow us to.
• Remember your choices and preferences when you navigate through our web or in the provision of our services 
• Recognition of  your devices on which our Services are used
• Help us to authenticate users and prevent fraudulent use of user accounts.
• Improve quality in the provision of services or presentation of the same on our website
• Collect information for internal market research purposes
• To display basic functions of our web page
• For Investigation and analysis.
Strictly Essential Cookies: These cookies are necessary to browse and be provided with the services available on our site; as well as to authenticate users and prevent fraudulent use by user accounts. If you do not accept or limit the use of these cookies, it is very likely that you will not be able to access certain features and the full content of our site.
 These cookies are managed by Coach Welly and are session cookies.
Functionality cookies. These cookies allow us to keep a record of your preferences when you access or browse our site, which provides us with tools to improve the performance and operability of the site. These cookies are not essential for use and navigation, however, if you disable these cookies we will not be able to monitor performance and certain functions may not be available. These cookies allow you not to enter your preferences every time you visit us.  These cookies are managed by Coach Welly and are persistent cookies.
Targeting and analysis cookies. These cookies provide us with a record of data that allows us to recognize and count the number of visitors, the duration of their visit and the extent of their access to the site and may be used to display advertisements and advertising to those who may be interested in our services. They can be used to create a profile of your information and solve problems of quality and functionality, as well as the analysis and creation of statistics that allow us to improve the provision of the service. These cookies also allow us to track the frequency of access to third-party pages displayed on our sites.
The information collected by these cookies may directly or indirectly identify you, this is because such information may be linked to a pseudonymous identifier associated with the device you use to navigate within our site.
Social Media Cookies. These cookies are those that establish services of the social media(s) of third parties that we add on our site so that you can share our content or information with friends and acquaintances. They can track your browser from other sites and create profiles that fit your preferences. Coach Welly can not control the politics of these third parties.
If you disable these cookies you may not be able to use and share within these tools.

You have various tools and options to control the various cookies from this site and from our related third parties.

1. When entering our site for the first time, a pop-up will be activated displaying information for your acceptance of the necessary cookies that we manage on our website, you can accept them in order to display all the content of the site knowing the information that is obtained of these technologies or you may not accept them with the consequence that you may not be able to display all the content of the site and the services may not be provided in their entirety.

2. Most browsers have an option in the toolbar where you can see the installed cookies, limit their use or delete them. If you need assistance in configuring cookies, we put at your disposal this website that will provide you with more information. 

3. You can set your browser to notify you each time you receive a cookie. This will allow you to accept cookies or not.

4. If you access the site from your mobile device you may not control tracking technologies or cookies through the settings; but you can control ads based on the use of your applications. For IOS devices you may enable the “Limit Ad Tracking” setting. On Android devices, you may enable the “Opt out of Ads Personalization” setting.

5. Some of our third-party may use non-cookie technologies that may not be configured by your browser settings and may not block cookies. You can use the following third-party tools to decline the collection and use of information for the purpose of serving You interest-based advertising:
• The NAI's opt-out platform:
• The EDAA's opt-out platform
• The DAA's opt-out platform:
REMEMBER THAT IF YOU BLOCK, LIMITATE, AND DISABLE COOKIES you may navigate this site but you may not display all the content and the full functionality of this site

1.  USE 
The personal data we collect may be used (illustrative but not limiting) as follows:
• To provide the services to you and maintain the monitoring of the usage of the services.
• To authenticate you, this is necessary to provide you access to the services
• To perform a contract for the provision of the services with you.
• To contact you and notify you of administrative information, informative communication pertaining to your services and products contracted with us, about the need to update security measures.
• To respond to your inquiries and fulfill requests for services or products
• To provide you with offers and/or general information on services and products that we believe may be of interest to you.
• To analyse business transfers 
• for others that may be data analysis, identification of usage trends, service evaluation, marketing
Coach Welly may share and disclose personal data for our legal business purposes
• with Service Providers who help us monitor and analyze the use of our service, to fulfill business operations or certain services. With storage, hosting, and hosting providers such as Amazon Web Services ( you can check his privacy policy ). With marketing, advertising, and email communications providers such as Mailjet (you can check their privacy policy)
• For business transfers: We may use your information to evaluate or conduct a merger, sale, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or another sale or transfer of some or all of our assets, whether as a going concern or as part of a bankruptcy, liquidation or similar proceeding, in which Personal Data we hold about users of our Service is among the transferred assets.
• With business associates  in order to conduct research, analysis, statistics and provide anonymized, dissociated or de-identified data for them, or/and provide services, offers, or products
• For legal requirements. When required by law or any judicial authority, to comply with legal obligations, to defend our intellectual property rights, protect your personal security within the site, and protection and defense against any legal claim, always assuming the commitment to only disclose it in extreme necessity and in good faith.
Coach Welly will keep your data for as long as it is necessary for compliance with this privacy policy, for the commercial purposes to which we have complied and by the required provision of the law in legal, fiscal, accounting, or other matters.
We will retain your marketing or advertising preferences for as long as you allow us to continue to have that type of communication with you. Remember that there is always a method to opt out of receiving these notifications.
We may retain information that will no longer be identified as personal data because it will be anonymized, dissociated or de-identified so that it can no longer be associated with you.
The information, including personal data, may be transferred outside the area, city, country or continent where you reside to be processed in the operating offices of Coach Welly and therefore the applicable data protection law may differ from the one that applies in your jurisdiction.
The acceptance of this privacy policy, the access and use of this site as well as the contracting of the services infer your agreement to this transmission.
You have the right, at any time, to modify, update or delete your information or personal data, or to request our assistance in order to carry out these actions, provided that we do not have a legal basis not to do so in its entirety. 
Coach Welly always seeks to be at the forefront of technology to provide you with the greatest protection for your information and that of your personal data, but you are aware that there is no 100% secure method or error-free of storage, hosting, transmission and data processing in internet or via e-mail, therefore, Coach Welly cannot guarantee absolute security, but we will always be committed to making reasonable efforts to protect your data from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction as if it were our own.
This privacy policy is attached to the practices regulated by data protection laws such as the GDPR (GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION), FEDERAL LAW OF PROTECTION OF DATA IN POSSESSION OF INDIVIDUALS, CCPA (CALIFORNIA CONSUMERS PRIVACY ACT), and other international compliance treaties.

You have these rights over your personal information and it is our commitment to guarantee them in the following way.

Access. You will be able to have access to the personal data that you have shared with us at all times, as well as free and permanent access to this privacy policy that defines the guidelines for the use of your personal data.

Rectification. In the event of any problem of inaccuracy or that your personal data is not complete, you can always correct or request rectification through our communication channels.

Cancellation. You can always request the cancellation of some or all of the data of your personal information (provided when it is not found in the exceptions marked by law), which will initially result in a blocking of said data to prevent its use and later will end with the deletion of the data and you will be notified. Please note that the period between blocking and deletion will be proportional to the expiration of binding obligations.

Opposition. You can always oppose the processing of your personal data explained in this privacy policy. please be of your understanding that if you object it is very likely that the provision of services in a timely manner and in its entirety will not be possible.
The Guarantor Authority of your protection of personal data is the Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales (National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data)

This information is of interest and applies to users of the European Union EU, including the countries of the European Economic Area of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and to the extent applicable, Switzerland.
Your personal data will be treated, used, stored and transmitted under the principles of legality, fairness and transparency; We will always collect your data for the explicit purposes established in this privacy policy and within what is permitted by this regulation, always taking reasonable measures for its accuracy, accessibility and seeking security measures to protect your personal data.
The processing of your data is governed by the following conditions.
Consent. Under your consent and no objection to this privacy policy, we may use and process your personal data for the purposes you accept and acknowledge. 
The execution of a contract for the provision of services. The collection of  your personal data is necessary for the realization, observation, performance, and compliance or the obligations thereof
Vital interests. the processing of your personal data is necessary to protect your interests or those of another person

Legitimate interests. The processing of your personal data is necessary for the pursuit of the interest of Coach Welly legitimized in all the documents that we make available to you such as this privacy policy, the terms and conditions and the binding contract.
Public interest. the processing of your personal data may refer to the exercise of an interest of an official authority vested in Coach Welly.

The company may make any type of clarification on the basis of the collection of your personal data, if it is of contractual or legal origin.

Access to your personal data. If you make a request to Coach Welly about this right, we will provide you with a copy with the data we collect from you,  purposes of use of your personal data, where they can be transferred, third parties who may have access to your personal data, the retention time, what categories of personal data we collect. 

Rectification. Under this precept, you can request that we correct or complete your personal data that you require, at any time that you need or identify it. You will be notified of said modification to your entire satisfaction.

Suppression. Under this precept, you may request that we delete your personal data, causing the forgetting of your personal data, as long as there are no legal obligations or any other that the law mentions, and it may be for the reasons that you consider as that opposition of the treatment of your personal data, that the purposes have already been fulfilled and your personal data is no longer necessary, Coach Welly undertakes to always listen to your reasons and to promptly provide you with the solution for your requirements.

Treatment limitation. Under this precept, you can limit the processing that we give to your personal data and it is possible that we cannot provide the services
Portability. Under this precept, you may require us to assign or transfer your personal data to another, in a structured electronic format and in common use; in the cases determined by the regulation.

Opposition. Under this precept, you may object, for reasons related to your particular situation, to the processing of your personal data.
Where personal data is processed for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to object
You may exercise your rights at any time by simply contacting us. Coach Welly is committed to solving all your requirements as soon as possible.
If you have any complaint, in which we cannot help you or we have not been able to satisfy it in your opinion, you can always contact your corresponding data protection authority of the EEA (European Economic Area)
This information is relevant and applicable to only those populations or residents of the State of California, in the United States of America.
“ DO NOT TRACK “ Our site does not respond to do not track /DNT) signals and we operate in accordance with this privacy policy.

Request. You have the right to request us this information about your personal data, it is our obligation to provide the report promptly and truthfully and specifically for you.
• The categories and specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you.
• The categories of sources from which we collect personal information.
• The purposes for collecting, using, disclosing, or selling personal information.
• The categories of third parties with whom we share or disclose personal information.
• The categories of personal information disclosed or sold about you for business purposes
◦ The categories of personal information categories sold
◦ The categories of personal information categories disclosed
You, the user, have the right to be notified about the categories of personal data that we collect from you and the purposes for which they are used.

Sale Exclusion. You have the right to opt-out sale ( under CCPA "sell" and "sale" mean selling, renting, releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, transferring, or otherwise communicating orally, in writing, or by electronic or other means, a consumer's personal information by the business to a third party for valuable consideration. This means that We may have received some kind of benefit in return for sharing personal information, but not necessarily a monetary benefit) of your personal information. Coach Welly does not sell personal information or receive financial compensation for disclosures of personal data; with the understanding that sharing cookies and tracking technologies information that we make available to third parties, for which we disclose these practices within this privacy policy in its cookies section.
In exercising your rights, you, a California resident protected by the CCPA, may make a request to Coach Welly, as to whether we have disclosed personal information to third parties for direct marketing purposes to third parties and what types of data categories have been shared during the calendar year. previous. Coach Welly is not obliged to respond to any request if it is not possible to authenticate the requesting user and if it is not through the official means of communication made available to it.

Coach Welly will answer your requests in a period of less than 60 calendar days and, if necessary, may extend the term with prior notice.

Coach Welly does not carry out any type of data collection or sale to third parties of information on minors, since all provision of services and contracting with Coach Welly is for persons of legal age established by the law that governs the user in these terms.

In the event that Coach Welly identifies that information has been erroneously obtained from a minor, it is its commitment to eliminate all data that is held in the systems, as well as if you recognize that a minor has made information available to us, please approach us to do so to our knowledge and thus eliminate any data that may jeopardize or compromise the security of the minor's data.

Coach Welly declares, not only for California residents in their right to non-discrimination in the exercise of their rights under the CCPA but for all those who have access to this site and the provision of services by this company, that it is a commitment and one of our fundamental values, non-discrimination of any kind for reasons of gender, race, social and/or economic condition, preferences of any kind or regulations that protect them.

Coach Welly makes it clear that under future projections and the scope of growth of this company, many more international regulations may be adhered to this privacy policy.

In the advancement of our development, Coach Welly works hard to comply with every provision that regulates the privacy of personal data in the provision of our services.

Links on the site. We may have made available links to third-party sites in the display of our information or in any part of our website, however, we are not responsible for their privacy practices, for which we invite you before using their services or site to read their policies.
COACH WELLY reserves the right to make changes or additions to this privacy policy without prior notice to you. We recommend that you continually review these legal and binding documents. The acceptance of this privacy policy is understood by the use of the site and the services.
Coach Welly puts at your disposal the contact form so that you can communicate with respect to any doubt or comment about this privacy policy or any request in the exercise of your rights.